Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Esl Program Analysis Essay free essay sample
Understudies additionally have the chance to go to the Phelps Center for Gifted Education and an Early Childhood Center. Springfield Public Schools (SPS) takes into account the assorted variety of its numerous understudies by including such projects as the International Baccalaureate (IB) program at the basic, center and secondary school levels, Wonder of the Ozarks Learning Facility (WOLF) and the Middle College Program. Every one of the five of their secondary schools are assigned Missouri A+ schools, which permits a secondary school understudy to graduate and have their initial two years of school paid for by an A+ grant. www. springfieldpublicschoolsmo. organization). The Springfield Public Schools English Language Learner (ELL) program has been a piece of their region since the 1980s, per Rhonda Hittenberger-Ortiz, ELL Liaison. At the program’s origin all understudies were overhauled either at Central High School or through vagrant instructors who went around the locale s eeing understudies once or more every week. Over the most recent multi year their ELL populace has developed rapidly and a full-time organizer was recruited in 2011. As of now, they have eight ELL â€Å"site schools†where ELL understudies are grouped to get customary language support from an on location ELL educator. These schools incorporate four elementaries, one moderate, two center schools and one secondary school. Guardians are given the decision to move their youngsters to these schools or to leave them at their self-teach. For understudies who are not at the site schools, the locale has an instructional mentor who works with the standard educators of the ELL understudies. As of now the region has 850 understudies in the ELL program. Program Details Springfield Public Schools utilizes various strategies in their program. The Elementary locales generally actualize the push-in or community oriented showing strategy in which ELL and standard instructors cooperate inside the study hall, sharing substance and language objectives for every exercise. The draw out strategy is utilized for the most minimal English capable understudies. Optional locales plan understudies into English-guidance classes and the educators likewise go into content study halls to work with ELLs separately or in little gatherings. Evaluations Understudies take similar evaluations that every single other understudy in the region take yet with specific facilities, for example, mediators, additional time, and so forth. Springfield R-12 uses the accompanying evaluations: DRA2 (grades K-2), Scantron Performance Series Assessment for Reading, Language Arts and Math (grades 3-12), the Missouri Assessment Program (grades 3-8) and End-of-Course tests (grades 9-12). Moreover, ELL understudies take a yearly advancement test to give information to the province of Missouri. The yearly tests shows progress in English capability and what number of understudies are accomplishing English capability. Springfield Public Schools consistently meets the state-built up objectives. The desire for arriving at English capability fluctuates broadly and relies upon numerous variables. State Guidelines The State of Missouri’s English Language Proficiency Standards and Grade Level Expectations depend on World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA). WIDA builds up, for instructors, top notch norms, evaluations, examination and expert turn of events. These assistance educators with language advancement and to help increment scholarly accomplishment for their English Language Learners (http://wida. s/file. aspx). English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is the showing approach of decision in Missouri. Commonly ESOL programs are set up in light of the fact that a certified instructor who is familiar with English and the student’s local language isn't accessible. In different circumstances there just might be an excessive number of dialects spoke to in a locale that makes having bilingual instructors not handy. Missouri utilizes three ESOL approaches: Structured ESOL Immersion, Content-based ESOL and Pull-Out ESOL. They just utilize the Pull-Out ESOL approach in their most minimal students. The province of Missouri endeavors to create instructional goals that lead understudies to high accomplishment by depending on both state and national principles that can be found at www. tesol. edu. The Show-Me Standards speak to Missouri’s instructive desires for all understudies. Nearby schools are answerable for guaranteeing that LEP (Limited English Proficient) understudies create Communication Arts aptitudes as well as that they accomplish elevated levels in the entirety of the Knowledge and Performance gauges. All school locale in Missouri must build up an arrangement that fuses LEP understudy needs into the whole school’s instructive program (http://dese. o. gov/qs/me/reports/definstructmodel. pdf). Instructional Practices for ELL Students Researchers ceaselessly fight regarding whether the ELL student’s local language ought to be a piece of their educating. Most school locale tend to not have an adequate measure of educators that communicate in the local dialects of their understudies and accordingly actualize ESL programs which are shown distinctly in English. Government approaches keep on confining the measure of time that can be spent showing youngsters in their local language. Strategies, for example, â€Å"No Child Left Behind†and the proceeded with diminishment of subsidizing makes it unrealistic for neighborhood instructive organizations and school locale to help local language guidance (Calderon, M. , Slavin, R. , amp; Sanchez, M. 2011). A contextual investigation performed by the Alliance for Excellent Education in December 2005 advances six key techniques that educators of English language students can utilize. They advance: 1. Jargon and Language Development 2. Guided Interaction 3. Metacognition and Authentic Assessment 4. Unequivocal Instruction 5. Which means Based Context and Universal Themes 6. Demonstrating, Graphic Organizers and Visuals The idea driving these six systems is that they not just assist understudies with creating English as their second language it causes them learn words that are not part of the regular English language, for example, calculation, moral story, theory, and delay (http://uteach. utexas. edu/locales/default/documents/records/SixKeyStrategiesELL. pdf). These methodologies work in an ELL domain as well as great techniques for all students in every single branch of knowledge. A look inside the entryway of any homeroom in the United States would show these systems at work with ELL and non-ELL understudies. Different contentions that surface in the ELL world are that as the quantity of ELL understudies develops in our nation, teachers and instructive organizations should be take a gander at â€Å"Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE). Creators Zulmara Cline and Juan Necochea of the College of Education, California State University San Marcos investigated the eight key segments of SDAIE that can upgrade the instructional program of schools and give access to central subjects to ELLs. The eight parts of SDAIE are: 1. Essential Language Support 2. Associate with Previous Learning 3. Visuals and Manipulatives . Generally safe and Safe Environment 5. Different Access Points 6. Agreeable and Interactive 7. Piecing and Webbing 8. Aware Learning These segments need to persistently be working with one another and not on an autonomous premise. Educators ought to make associations with past learning, use visuals and manipulatives at whatever point conceivable, make a sheltere d, generally safe condition for their understudies, and so on. Constantly utilizing these segments with an English Language Learner in a primary gushed study hall will assist them with developing in the English language and as understudies in every single scholarly territory (Cline, Z. amp; Necochea, J. 2003). These speculations in regards to ELL/ESL guidance all have solid focuses concerning how they can profit the English Language Learner by making situations that permit non-English talking understudies the advantages of English guidance even with instructors who may not be familiar with their local language. Springfield Public Schools has a completely inundated ESL program that places their ELL understudies in study halls with English talking educators that work connected at the hip with ESOL teachers. I eel that Springfield Public Schools is giving the proper guidance to their ELL understudies, which makes up roughly 3% of their all out understudy populace, as they constantly sa tisfy state prerequisites and guidelines. Albeit one may contend that one shortcoming we have may be that they don’t require their ELL understudies to go to one of their ELL site schools yet can just prescribe it to the guardians. This may make learning English for an understudy that decides to remain at their self-teach, despite the fact that it isn’t an ELL site, increasingly troublesome since their cooperation with an ensured ESOL teacher might be progressively constrained. Springfield R-12 predicts that they will see an expansion of 115 understudies locale wide every year for the following 10 years. It will be fascinating to check whether their ELL populace develops proportionately and if that will adjust their strategies. In general I would in any case battle that the Springfield R-12 School District situated in Springfield, Missouri is giving superb instruction to their ELL understudies as well as all understudies and that they exploit the assets accessible to them. Assets Calderon, M. Slavin, R. , amp; Sanchez, M. (2011). Compelling Instruction for English Learners. Eventual fate Of Children, 21(1), 103-127 Cline, Z. , amp; Necochea, J. (2003). Uniquely Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE): More Than Just Good Instruction. Multicultural Perspectives, 5(1), 18 http://dese. mo. gov/qs/me/reports/definstructmodel. pdf http://uteach. utexas. edu/destinations/default/documents/records/SixKeyStrategiesELL. pdf http://wida. us/file. aspx www. s pringfieldpublicschoolsmo. organization www. tesol. edu
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why I Want To Be An Actor
My name is Colby Bean, I was brought up in maine. I live in a town called Hartland, its an unassuming community so there is actually nothing to do, when I was more youthful I used to play sports however the just a single I truly got into was b-ball yet the issue with just playing one game is that you just play for a couple of months out of the year. So I concluded that I needed to discover something to accomplish for the seven to eight months that I wasn't playing b-ball. So in chose to begin watching motion pictures, I began with certain works of art like The Wizard Of OZ and Back To The Future, among others.Then I proceeded onward to some increasingly current films like the initial two Spiderman motion pictures, and I was truly keen on how they made them, fortunate for me I had the two circle authorities release so there was a lot of narratives and uncommon highlights so I could observe how the film was made, from how the did the tricks to the on-screen characters tryout and afterw ard how the entertainers arranged for the job. By then I chose that is the thing that I need to do when I got more established, I needed to be an actor.From then on I began watching films each opportunity I might, I be able to would watch the film then I would observe how they made it and afterward I would watch the film again yet this time with the chief and cast analysis, so I could hear first time what they experienced to make the film, hearing how much fun everybody had making the film made me need to turn into an entertainer considerably more. So around then I was in fourth grade I think and my school began to do this program in the mid year called perusers theater.Readers theater for any individual who was in first through fourth grade and it was around two months in length and what you did was you worked with everybody to give a performance, and all through the two months you would assemble sets, make outfits and make a music score to oblige the play. I recall that I was unab le to hold on to be a piece of it, so I join and everybody that goes tries out for a section except if you need to be a piece of the band, so the play the chose to do is Pandoras Box, so I tryout and I get the piece of the storyteller, I was so glad in light of the fact that the storyteller got the most lines and never left the stage.And I had a great time doing that however the issue was I would be in fifth grade one year from now so I was unable to do perusers theater again, yet I could be a volunteer and help the children put on the performance, sort of a chief job which was fun so I did that for a long time. In any case, the best piece of being in center school was I discovered that Mrs. Neal put on a performance with the fifth and 6th graders in the start of the year. Mrs. Neal was the seventh grade english instructor and the chief of the center school and secondary school show ensembles, however she additionally was a theater entertainer who featured in a great deal of the pla ys at lakewood theater.At that time I didn't not know the effect Mrs. Neal would have on me. So my fifth grade year the play that that she was putting on was Pinocchio which made me extremely glad since I watched that film a ton when I was small, going on to the tryout I realized that since I was essentially the most youthful that I wouldn't get a significant part in light of the fact that there was much a larger number of individuals who had more understanding than me. So when I discovered I was given a role as The Coachman I was truly energized in light of the fact that I realized he was a major piece of the story since he possessed joy island and was answerable for transforming Pinocchio and different young men into donkeys.So after that year I tryout for the play that Mrs. Neal put on my 6th grade year which happened to be Alladin and I got two or three sections in that. Yet, my Seventh grade year I was hoping to explore new territory so I choose to try out for show ensembles si nce I loved musicals and figured it would resemble one. So I wound up making that and it was genuine fun since anything with Mrs. Neal was fun, we wound up taking first in quite a while, which was cool since Mrs. Neal had been getting first for her center school show ensemble's for some time, and it caused me to understand that some time or another I need to be a piece of a melodic .I wound up making it the following year too and we won first once more. In any case, during those two years I found a film that would change my look on acting from that point on, the film I found was Titanic. Titanic turned into my preferred film so I purchased the three circle authorities version which had a long time of how the film was made and what truly got me was the set, I could hardly imagine how the had a scale imitation of the titanic worked to film and sink it, that caused me to understand that I needed to be a film on-screen character, to take a shot at huge sets that way and to do my own stu nts.So in seventh grade I did my last play and that was about the time I began to mind what individuals thought of me and on the off chance that they made a decision about me, so I quit doing plays and dramatization in light of the fact that those where the children that everybody ridiculed. Yet, when I got to secondary school I got genuine apprehensive in light of the fact that we needed to have an expressive arts credit and I didn't have the foggiest idea what to do on the grounds that I would not like to take any of dramatization classes and I would not like to take craftsmanship. In any case, toward the finish of my sophomore year the show instructor left and he was supplanted with Mrs.Neal who might begin my lesser year, so I concluded that I would take acting with her since I cherished her classes and I had wanted to be in the plays that she did, so I chose why not act. So I took her acting course yet there was one issue I despite everything minded people's opinion of me so wh en I needed to perform stuff before our group I would get extremely apprehensive and would be up there a truly lengthy timespan before I got started.So the year's end came and I some how got my credit, I was genuine mitigated that it was over in light of the fact that I wouldnt need to anything like that once more. In any case, for reasons unknown I chose to take acting again my senior year, and I don't have the foggiest idea what happened that late spring however I quit caring what individuals thought and when it came time to get things done before the class I could do it such a great amount of simpler than the year and I dont know why. Yet, I have an inclination that it was a direct result of Mrs.Neal she generally pushed everybody to improve and to face challenges, and I feel like without Mrs. Neal I wouldn't have any significant bearing to get my single men in representing film, I would simply be somebody with a fantasy about being on-screen character who never attempted to make my fantasy materialize. I truly don't have the foggiest idea what I would do in the event that I never got the mental fortitude to attempt and this cause my fantasy to happen in light of the fact that this is the main occupation that has spoke to me everything else just appears to be exhausting contrasted with the excitement of acting. So I truly trust you think about me for acknowledgment.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
The View from 1000 Feet
The View from 1000 Feet 8 months ago, an email from MIT asking me for money read something like: Dear student, Your monthly student account statement has been posted. Please review your statement on MITPAY by following one of the secure links below, and arrange payment for any charges shown. Statements are available by the 10th of each month and balances are due by the first of the following month. This would normally total to a tuition payment at the beginning of the semester or my overdue library book fees of 50 cents a day. Today, an email from MIT asking me for money reads something like: Dear Bryan, Now that youre rich and famous, would you consider giving us a piece of your salary? OK, so its not really like that, but sometimes, I feel like responding: Dear MIT, You know how much my graduate student stipend is. How much can I afford to donate? Again, its not completely the case. I figure sometimes if I hold off from my daily purchase of fruit snacks, I can afford a $50 donation once a monthmaybe. But getting hit up for cash by the tute is not the central theme of this entry. So according to my quick Google calculation, its been 230 days since I graduated from college; at the same time, I can still remember hopping off the subway back in 2003 with duffle bag in hand where I walked into my dorm room in Baker ready to begin my college experience. My mom always tried to teach me when I would call home and complain about hard tests and feeling oftentimes overloaded that I would look back one day and see the positive much more clearly than I would be able to when I just felt as if I had been pwned by a 2.005 exam.. Dear Mom, You were right. Its funny to look back in my journals and see the days when all I wanted to do was snark on omg this sucks or its 2 am and this problem set is still not done but believe it or not, it was a good thing. So taking a look from 1000 feet, in the past six months, Ill admit a lot of things have not completely changed. Im still an MIT student. I still have problem sets; I still have final exams, but it feels a little different now, and I think a lot of it is from the skills that I gained in my first four years here. What are those merit badges I earned? The Fundamentals: I can add, subtract, multiply, divide, differentiate and do fourier series. I can explain PCR. I can design floating buoys for wind turbines. I can write policy proposals for the environment. I can speak spanish. I know what the Damkohler number is. Punchline: I learned a lot in my classes. While that in itself is a tremendous feat, there is much more that I gained from my education than information and equations. Synthesis: One of the most valuable learning experiences (possibly the most valuable one) is the one I gained through my research project as an undergraduate. With almost all problem sets that I received at MIT, there was an answer that could be found after some amount of work. With research, the mental leap was a much longer one to make. Inherent in the word, research is a repeated effort to search for new information and new ideas, and oftentimes, an equation or the appropriate engineering assumption is going to be insufficient in order to get where you need. With my research, it wasnt just about what I could regurgitate on a test or what I could write in a 10 page paper. It was about how many different sources could I draw from in order to get the information I needed in order to be productive and see forward motion in my project. So while with problem sets, you have to agree with the professors solution in order to get the A; with research, people disagree and the field is constantly changi ng, so you also obtain the skill of being able to critically navigate through the volumes of material and make decisions about what is useful and what is not. The capstone to my formal educational experience in the classroom was my research because I was able to draw upon all of that material in order to create new hypotheses and challenge prior held ideas. This, for me, is the best preparation for the real world. There are no problem sets in the real world; there are real problems and they require the skills you develop in a broader sense in order to really be able to address them. So keep in mind, thats its not just about what you know. Its about how you use it and how you communicate it. Analysis: So the higher math gods might come down and strike me with a bolt of lightning, but I am going to publicly say that there is more to life than math and science. I will not deny my love for biology and engineering but while my education has prepared me to obviously take these challenges on, a lot of people go on to careers in finance, consulting, and government and do well. They are successful because they took advantage of the fact that the skills that you learn at MIT dont solely prepare you to write equations. While I primarily use my education to work on the science and math questions, Ive also found it helpful in understanding political discussions (if youre 18, you should vote ps) by understanding the players, the issues, and how they interact. Personality: MIT taught me a lot about myself. When I first came to college, my arrogance got the best of me. I didnt go to office hours and I didnt ask for help. BAD IDEA. I soon realized that I need to constantly appraise my own abilities and make an effort to supplement the areas of my education that just did not click for me the first time. At the same time, MIT also taught me to be more confident in myself because yes, MIT is hard and when youre taking an hour test with six hard problems, you have to learn to not second guess yourself and write an answer you believe in and move on. MIT also taught me to worry and stress less and take risks more. With four years of college, you can do fine taking no risks. For me, taking risks at the appropriate time allowed me to progress academically and with respect to my research and also my personal life. So what does any of this mean? Simple explanation: What you learn from MIT is more than just math and science, but you have to be willing to accept the greater lessons that are available to learn. So Ill end this entry and echo a question that Laura recently asked, what do you want to know about?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Community Church Ethics Policy Community Churches
KBC Community Church Ethics Policy KBC Community Church, a non-denominational church, is called to worship God, teach God’s Word, reach lost souls and encourage spiritual growth for all God’s children. KBC promotes harmonious development of mind, body and spirit while preparing leaders in service for God and humanity. STATEMENT OF FAITH THE SCRIPTURES: We believe the Bible was written by man divinely inspired by God. THE TRUE GOD: We believe the Scriptures teach there is that God is the one and only living, true God. THE FALL OF MAN: We believe the Scriptures teach that man was created in holiness, by God, the creator; but voluntarily fell from that holy and happy state, in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners, not by constraint but by choice. THE WAY OF SALVATION: We believe the Scriptures teach that salvation of sinners is by grace, through Jesus Christ, God’s one and only son, who died for our sins and arose from the dead. A GOSPEL CHURCH: We believe the Scriptures teach that a visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers associated by covenant in faith and fellowship of the gospel; observing the ordinances of Christ; governed by His laws; and exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES We are responsible to God. We are made in His likeness and image, therefore, we must let our character speak God’s goodness. We are responsible to serve our neighbor in fulfilling their needs to theShow MoreRelatedReligious Liberation And The Puritans1409 Words  | 6 Pagesreligious liberation. The Puritans were the reformers, or improvers, of the Church of England. They had no intentions, or desire, to dissever from the church. When the Church of England became corrupt, the Puritans decided they wanted to emasculate it up. When the Puritans decided to make this decision, they were mistreated for this. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter - 2029 Words
The Evolution of the A in The Scarlet Letter â€Å"So, in the course of the novel, the ‘A’ seems to encompass the entire range of human beingness, from the earthly and passionate ‘adulteress’ to the pure and spiritual ‘angel,’ taking into account everything in between,†begins Claudia Durst Johnson (128). Many believe the A in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter possesses only one meaning - adulterer; however, Hawthorne imbues the symbolic letter with diverse definitions. In the novel, Hawthorne plainly details three significant changes in the connotation of the A. At first sight, it represents the sin of adultery and ostracizes Hester from society. After the outcast builds a reputation of charity and labor, the A transforms into ‘able’ and highlights the favorable qualities of Hester. Finally, the A appears in the night sky after the death of Governor Winthrop and becomes ‘angel’ to signify his passing. Though the surface text shows a change in the implication of the A, the letter primarily revolves around Hester. Some critics believe other characters develop the interpretation of the A as they come under its influence. In many accounts of semiotic criticism, experts may support this claim unknowingly or actively pursue proof of the characters’ abilities to don their own A’s - either literal or metaphorical - and support the meaning of the classic work. The prime example, Hester Prynne, models the ornate A of ‘adultery’ and ‘able’. In contrast, Arthur Dimmesdale concealsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 2314 Words  | 10 PagesKatya Flaska American Literature Period 5 10 August 2014 The Scarlet Letter Book Analysis 1. The book is The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn. The genre of the novel is historical fiction. 2. The preamble describes how the book came to be written. The narrator was a surveyor of the customhouse in Salem, where he discovered documents he used to write the story. He uncovered a manuscript with a scarlet â€Å"A†, which contained the events recorded by a previous surveyor in the 1600s. When the narratorRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1120 Words  | 5 Pages From the very first chapter, the Scarlet Letter guides readers on a journey that explores the darkness of the human heart and redemption from sin. It is in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that we introduced to a trio of characters interconnected by their sins: an adulteress, a minister and a physician. The adulteress is a woman named Hester Prynne who, as punishment for her transgressions, must wear a scarlet A on chest and is shunned by her community. Yet, Hester s eventual acceptance of herRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1141 Words  | 5 PagesBlake Allison P#1 AP NOVEL FORM 1. Title: The Scarlet Letter 2. Author and date of first publication: Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1850 3. List four main characters with a one-sentence description of each. a. Hester Prynne- Hester Prynne, the protagonist and wearer of the scarlet letter, is a very independent, loving, intelligent, and at times depressed woman who is the mother of Pearl. b. Arthur Dimmesdale- Arthur Dimmesdale, the father of Pearl, is a reverend in town who is greatly honored forRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1563 Words  | 7 PagesReading The Scarlet Letter again, I imagine Hester Prynne as she steps out of the Boston jail. She carries her out-of-wedlock baby in her arms but does not hide the A she wears on her breast. Her crime, though it will never be named in the book by more than an initial, is placed on exhibition. Yet she has converted the letter into her own statement by fantastic flourishes of gold embroidery. She is a mystery beyond the reach not only of her fellow Bostonians but also of the readerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1628 Words  | 7 PagesThe book, The Scarlet Letter, is about the struggle three people face while trying to live their lives and find happiness. In the early 1640s, Hester has come to the small town of Boston, Massachusetts, while her husband, Chillingworth, w as back in Great Britain. Hester and Arthur Dimmesdale, the town s priest, engage in the act of adultery and have a baby girl named Pearl, though only Hester knows that Dimmesdale is the father. She has promised Dimmesdale not to give up his identity. HesterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1404 Words  | 6 Pageswhere the scarlet letter, A, is an extended metaphor that symbolizes a multitude of things: adultery, sin, charity, righteousness, grace, and the danger of merely thinking symbolically. It also compares and contrasts the current states of Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Arthur Chillingworth. With this, it has a logical progression to the book’s ultimate conclusion. This section can be done in a bulleted format with brief (2-3 sentences) summaries by chapter if that works for the book. Chapter 1:Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1143 Words  | 5 PagesIn the book,The Scarlet Letter, there are many questions that grab the reader’s attention. One of the most intriguing and thought provoking question is, â€Å"Is Hester Prynne a good mother and should she be allowed to keep Pearl?†This question does not have a simple yes or no answer, the reader must take into account many things the author mentions in the book. However, after careful consideration, one might find that Hester is not, in fact, a good mother, but should be allowed to keep Pearl. ThereRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1184 Words  | 5 PagesAs I began my summer reading assignment I wasn’t too amused at the beginning chapters of the â€Å"Scarlet Letter,†With Hawthorne throwing around words like â€Å"quietude†I wasn’t sure if it was truly the difference in his old English speech, or if he was tossing in obscure words just to send people looking through their dictionaries to find out if he had, in fact, made the word up, or not. But, as I delved deeper into Hawthorn’s work I found a brilliant story with some of the richest charactersRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter Essay1022 Words  | 5 Pagesand women was even more prominent and obvious during the antebellum era. In The Scarlet Letter By Nathanial Hawthorne there was Hester Prynne and in The Two Offers By Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, there was Janette Alston. Both of these women, rose above the rest, through adversity, hardship, and against all odds still came out on top, even during a time period that didn’t appreciate a strong woman. In â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, Hester Prynne, was thrown in jail and forced to wear a symbol of her sin andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Scarlet Letter 1961 Words  | 8 PagesVital to the â€Å"A†The Scarlet Letter is a book complete of secrets and deceptions. The book teaches you about the difference about telling the truth or keeping it a secret. It shows you the challenges of both telling the truth and keeping a secret from everyone. There are many vital scenes throughout the book. With many of the scenes, if they weren’t in the book it would have had a completely different ending. The Scarlet Letter is a book full of eventful scenes that keep the book both exciting and interesting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Origins of Affirmative Action Free Essays
â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (1)†Affirmative action can trace its roots back to the 14th amendment, although it did not really get started until Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, giving minorities equal employment rights. We will write a custom essay sample on The Origins of Affirmative Action or any similar topic only for you Order Now The overall strategy and outline for this plan were contained in Executive Order 11246, which was issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1972 (Gilbert et al. 2). This led to a wave of programs that were intended to further the equal employment opportunities for minority individuals. Affirmative action programs were intended to legally require organizations to be diverse. During the 1990’s these programs have come under a lot of scrutiny and are being replaced with a concept known as diversity management. . Managing and valuing diversity are key aspects of organizational behavior, but the question lies in how to create the diversity within the organization. In this paper, I will examine several articles that will give us reasons that affirmative action should be replaced by diversity management, as well as one that believes that affirmative action is still needed in today’s society. Mary Guy believes that affirmative action programs are still needed today. She noted that if we lived in a perfect world we would not have a need for organizations to have affirmative action programs (240). However, since people have a tendency to work around people that are most like us, programs are needed to ensure that past discriminatory actions are corrected. Opposition to these programs generally has come from â€Å"advantaged†groups who feel that quotas will keep them from their jobs. Since the laws creating affirmative action never required quotas, then when quotas have been put in place, they are merely exceptions to the rule (Guy 242). Diversity in the workplace has been slowly increasing under affirmative action, however, Guy feels that this is no time to abandon it, but to keep it moving forward (242). â€Å"Stigmatization revisited: Does diversity management make a difference in applicant success? ,†written by Jacqueline Gilbert and Bette Ann Stead, includes the results of experiments conducted at two universities. These experiments examined whether there was a greater perception of increased qualifications and competence when employees were hired under a system of diversity management versus an affirmative action plan. The second article â€Å"Diversity management: A New organizational paradigm,†written by Jacqueline Gilbert, Bette Ann Stead, and John Ivancevich, defines diversity management and compares it to affirmative action. Furthermore they discuss strategies that will help to insure that a diversity management program is successful. (Gilbert et al. 1) In â€Å"Stigmatization revisited†¦ †the authors performed experiments to determine the effects of affirmative action versus diversity management. Individuals, both women and those of color, that were hired under the guise of an affirmative action plan were generally viewed as less qualified than there peers. It was noted that the perception was that if they were qualified for the position, then they would have been no need for an affirmative action plan. Those individuals that were hired in an atmosphere of diversity management were not perceived as being more or less qualified than their peers. These results were especially evident when the job was a traditional â€Å"male type†, for example, an electrician (Gilbert Stead 11). They concluded that an organization that valued and promoted cultural diversity would enable women and minorities to be perceived as competent for the positions that they held. Also those companies would have an inherent advantage when it came many other areas; including resource acquisition, marketing, creativity flexibility, and corporate attractiveness. These advantages would lead to greater profits and therefore a more positive outcome (Gilbert Stead 11). Thc theories of affirmative action are changing in today’s world, according to the authors of â€Å"Diversity management†¦ Many states, as well as the federal government, are debating the future of programs that are viewed as giving any type of advantage to a particular group of people (i. e. race or gender) (Gilbert et al. 1). In order to alleviate concerns of discrimination, companies are developing corporate cultures that embrace cultural diversity. This is known as diversity management. Affirmative action has come under a lot of scrutiny, both by majority and minority groups, due to misperceptions and problematic implementations of the programs. Many people view affirmative action as a quota system that leads to unqualified individuals being hired ahead of those that are qualified, and are therefore viewed as less competent than their peers. By treating all people equally, with regards to race and gender, these perceptions disappear (Gilbert et al. 8). These programs, however, will not work if they only exist in one part of an organization. Diversity management programs must start with the CEO and work its way down to the bottom. By being prevalent throughout an organization, the positive ethics of a strong diversity program will not be detrimentally affected with the decisions of one individual who chooses not to be ethical (Gilbert et al. 8). Through their research, the authors feel that the traditional misperceptions that are prevalent in an affirmative action program should not surface in a diverse multicultural organization (Gilbert et al. 8). As we can see, the problems that have been associated with affirmative action can be dissolved and the goals still met with a strong diversity management program within and throughout an organization. Affirmative action is under fire all around the country. Here in Georgia we have had several cases that have been brought to the public’s attention. The University of Georgia is being sued because of racial preferences in its admission process (Rankin Suggs 1). The City of Atlanta’s affirmative action set-aside plan is being challenged in a lawsuit as well (Campos Rankin 1). The overall trend in these suits, as well as others throughout the country is that any system that gives preference to certain groups is actually discriminatory in and of itself. In my view the original concept of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was that any type of discrimination is in violation of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution. Affirmative action programs that use quotas, no matter how they are implemented, result in individuals being classified and treated according to their race and gender. Diversity management programs within an organization will promote the multiculturalism that is required, as our business world becomes more and more global. Though traditional discrimination is still around in some cases, I do not believe that we need to keep affirmative action in the form that it is in today. A strong diversity management program will actually do more for the affected individuals by treating them as individuals instead of as part of a group. By looking at the individual and their individual contribution, stereotypes can be avoided. This is not an easy task, as old habits die hard, and people are slow to change. By embracing cultural differences that exist within our organization, misconceptions and prejudices can be left behind as we rise above discrimination and into diversity management. How to cite The Origins of Affirmative Action, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Both Speeches Deal with Patriotic and Sombre Subjects. free essay sample
Both Speeches Deal with Patriotic and Somber Subjects. Compare and Contrast How Effectively They Have Conveyed Their Messages. 300-400 Words BY retold 234 Both speeches deal with patriotic and somber subjects. Compare and contrast how effectively they have conveyed their messages. 300-400 words The point of any speech Is to connect with an audience (and persuade them) on a far deeper level than any written form can provide. That connection may be through ideals such as patriotism or somber subjects. The Funeral Service of the Unknown Soldier spoken by Prime Minister Paul Keating, deals with both patriotic and somber ideals. Through positive language, emotive language as well as other techniques, a somber and patriotic subject is expressed. We can also compare and contrast these victims of the Cannoning tragedy. Although both speeches encompass ideals of patriotism and somberness, we contrast them to that the audience and the context in which these speeches occurred. We will write a custom essay sample on Both Speeches Deal with Patriotic and Sombre Subjects. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sir William Deans speech uses inclusive language, solemn tone, altruistically and emotive and positive language to highlight the extent of the tragedy, but also to then bring everyone in mourning together and bring the renewal of life, seasonal imagery used as quoted the golden wattles are coming into bloom. The Unknown Soldier contrasts as of it having sentences that tries to evoke depictions of war, than a triumph of positive language to bring all Australians together.Although both speeches have Ideals of patriotism and somberness, both beakers use different techniques In order to establish the mood and tone of the speech. Emotive language, inclusive language, multiculturalism irrespective of their background as well as positive language is used in both texts in order to create a bond between audience and the remembered. Through exploration of these techniques, we establish the patriotic and somber natures In these speeches. Although different in textual context, both are a celebration of Australian values; metathesis, loyalty, honor and endurance.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Promotion Distribution Strategies
Promotion Distribution Strategies One of the most recent concerns of the modern global market, stealth ads play quite a big role in the world of marketing. Making people pay their attention to the specific products or companies, they enhance the selling rates in the given enterprise and thus create a specific trend. Because of their camouflage and the subtle influence, they produce the effect which is far stronger than any powerful ad can create.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Promotion Distribution Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no doubt that stealth ads are times more efficient than the usual ways of advertisement. One of the explanations is that a song is something that one can listen to for a number of times, which can be compared to hypnosis. In spite of the fact that the impact of such hypnosis is less tragic and traumatic than that of the traditional one, the ethical aspect of such means of advertising is seriously doub ted. According to the official data, the use of stealth ads has increased the sales volume almost fourteen times (Blair). On the one hand, such practice looks most innocent and suggests a breakthrough in the scale of the global market, which is, no doubts, very aspiring. Yet on the other hand is the controversal nature of such ads and the way they influence people’s actions. According to Blair, the key idea of the stealth ads success is the fact that â€Å"they do not look like ads†. In terms of protection of consumers, this looks quite like the violation of consumers’ rights and even foisting certain goods on people. With the disguise of a free-willed choice, this new invention of marketing can bring colossal benefit to millions of entrepreneurs, which will probably make the stealth ads one of the most popular means to advertise goods in the nearest future. However, to be fair, it would be necessary to mention some advantages of the new invention. One of the mo st obvious pluses is that customers will be able to find out bout the novelties of the market just listening to music or watching a movie. Nevertheless, the aesthetic pleasure of such pastime could become questionable; it is only now that the fans of the singers have to be â€Å"sharp-eared†enough to be able to read between the lines of the favourite songs (Smith). And, in addition, relying on such tricky psychological issues can be rather risky (Blair).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another idea which can give a lot of food for thoughts is the chain management which is becoming increasingly widespread. Worked out in practice, this system has proved to be quite worthwhile. With help of this system, entrepreneurs will be able to satisfy the demand on the company products in a better way, reducing the costs spent on logistics and custom. Because of its high dynamics and unceasing circulation of information, products and money supply between various stages, chain management proves efficient in the modern world of global marketing and the float of data. A good example of chain management is Microsoft Corporation. Being the company whose product is spread literally all over the world, Microsoft Corporation uses the system of the chain management to provide the product supply anywhere in the world. Combined with well-developed system of relationship management, it provides splendid results: millions of people choose exactly Microsoft Corporation when selecting the right software shell for their computers. Despite the fact that Microsoft has worthy competitors, it still holds the unquestionable leadership in the sphere of computers and everything that goes with them. Thus, it is obvious that well-calculated chain management system combined with relationship management is bound to bring fruitful results. Although this approach has not been time-tested yet, it shows good potential. According to the world market prognoses, such scheme is going to be applied to every single enterprise soon. Blair, Elizabeth. Stealth Ads: They’re Effective – and Priced to Move. NPR, 5 May 2005. Web. Smith, Ethan, and Julie Jargon. Chew on This: Hit Song Is a Gum Jingle. The Wall Street Journal. n.d. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Promotion Distribution Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Community Service or Social Project Service Essay
Community Service or Social Project Service - Essay Example The information accessed by these people may take the form of case studies, theoretical literature and role plays, where their interactions with the members of the public improve their abilities, including their leadership outlook and overall leadership performance. This paper will use the case of leaders in Skid Row to explore the enhancing effect of community service on the leadership abilities and the leadership style of a leader. Lastly, the paper will discuss the ways in which the leadership of an individual reflects personal values and the ethical values of an organization. The ways in which community service enhances a leader’s leadership style Building sustainable peace and development in communities affected by crisis requires the leaders involved in the negotiation proceedings to be highly skilled, so that they can communicate their views to the groups in conflict. From the case of the Skid Row area of Los Angeles, the role of the leaders of the Skid Row Housing Trus t has remained critical to the resolution of the poverty and the housing crisis facing the area. The leadership structure of communities facing crisis situations plays an important role in worsening the situation or closing the gaps and addressing the crisis situation (Elliott & Kaufman, 2003). The area is known, since its history as the residential neighborhood for the poorest and the homeless. However, the formation of the Skid Row housing trust in 1989 set to address the problem of homelessness, through the development and the refurbishment of housing facilities. During the years between 1950 and 2000, the redevelopment of residential hotels led to the destruction of the highly affordable housing in Los Angeles, which threatened the areas’ residential community; redevelopment forced thousands of residents into the sidewalks and the city’s shelters. The crisis situation made business leaders and community activists respond to the alarming wash-away of permanent, affo rdable housing; the two groups formed the Skid Row Housing Trust (Skid Row Housing Trust, 2013a). The leadership of the trust pushed for the mobilization of private equity, low income credits, conventional debt and public finance, which helped with the salvage of housing units that were on the verge of being lost. The work of the trust oversaw the transformation and the renovation of decaying hotels into attractive, safe and affordable permanent housing, which offered housing to the homeless and the low-income population (Skid Row Housing Trust, 2013a). The initiative taken by the business leaders and community activists, through their respective leaders demonstrated the outlook of servant Leadership, which is contrary to the traditional leadership outlook of autocratic leaders (Greenleaf, 2002). Servant leadership is evident from the strategies adopted by the leaders, because instead of compelling the residents of the area to live on the streets or struggle to afford the redevelope d housing, they employed the moral power of guaranteeing the availability of affordable housing to the homeless and the poor (Greenleaf, 2002). The strategy offered them the platform to improve their living standards. The success of the leadership outlook of the leaders is evident from t
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mike Daviss Fortress Los Angeles The Militarization of Urban Space Essay
Mike Daviss Fortress Los Angeles The Militarization of Urban Space Summary and Reaction - Essay Example Entire neighborhoods are being sealed-off, pedestrian traffic on predominantly minority-used walkways such has Old Broadway are being "redirected", former public recreation spaces such as parks are being privatized, the list goes on. The author, Mike Davis presents a number of salient points as to where cities such as Los Angeles, where capitalism, wealth, and commodification are the driving force for everything, are heading. Because the poor do not have a huge stake at this capitalistic market, their interests are relegated to the background. The city government has a hand in perpetuating this trend. More importance is given to privatization of space, and funds that are supposed to be allocated for public recreational spaces are being appropriated to private, white-collar redevelopment ventures. Wealthy communities are physically separated from the rest of the city, the perimeters converted to a kind of military "fortress", with its arsenal of high-tech gadgetry and gated enclosures. The private "security" industry is a thriving business, ready to answer to the ubiquitous slogan of "Armed Response". Even the police are being integrated to these grand scheme of securing the city from "unwanted" elements, where their watchful eyes are omnipresent. In addition to this, they control neighborhoods where minorities, Blacks and Latinos dwell. Even residential architects are getting their design inspirations from the military. The creation of these "fortress" cities, with the constant surveillance cameras, the gated walls, private security contractors, ground as well as on-air watchers, advances the progress of the social fragmentation, a polarization that serves to destroy the society's natural hegemony at the cost of the underprivileged. Davis also talks about how this same militaristic tactic is used to lure investors and retailers into opening their establishments in abandoned commercial areas. The concept of "security" taken to the extreme is the key to securing this potentially lucrative market as evinced in the case of the "Panopticon Mall". Highlighting the social barriers even more are the measures being done to rid the streets of the vagrants and "undesirables". These include the installation of outdoor sprinklers and barrel-shaped bus benches to discourage them from sleeping in public areas. Also, public toilets are being lessened, if not completely eradicated, in favor of the "quasi-public restroom" in establishments and offices where the poor and homeless would not be admitted. For the most part, I agree with Davis's opposition to these acts of militarization and abolishment of public space. In the eradication of accessible spaces, the sense of community and social interaction is also annihilated. While it seems that these changes improve the quality of life and the sense of security for the common white-collared worker, this is done at the cost of those who have little purchasing power. Access to supposed public places are dictated by those with the money. This violates the very essence of those areas being "public". This, in a sense, tramples upon our very sense of democracy, one that does not discriminate against race, class, or social stature. This kind of physical segregation underlies the concept that people belonging to different social groups should not interact or mingle. The need of the moneyed class to separate themselves is the root
Monday, January 27, 2020
Problems Facing Bmw Company Marketing Essay
Problems Facing Bmw Company Marketing Essay Globalization diversifies markets for vehicle manufactures where regions like Japan, North America and Western Europe are established big manufactures with over 18 vehicle manufactures across the board. This accounts for almost 90 percent of vehicle produced thus a scramble for available markets, attention now turns to upcoming economies like Russia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, Governments in developing economies aware of the value of their prospective growth auction off their market share to the highest bidders, like BMW, this investors hoping to increase manufacturing capacities so as to build their intended market bid away their economic returns and in so doing multiply the overcapacity problem on a large scale (Griffin Pustay 2009). Risks involved in venturing into new markets weigh in and most companies aware of the consequences of losing a market place bid, this either plays out in the company over bidding or throwing in the towel and losing the market. Differentiation Successful ECO-Specialties must emphasize their differentiation. Differentiation means that the marketing mix is distinct from and better than what is available from the competitor; product differentiation is the core to a healthy market share. An abundance of option for the vehicle buyers exists with vehicle models with almost similar functional characteristics, BMW is now forced to manufacture unique products for a particular region at a point in time, and this is to cope with tastes and fickle needs of consumers. This differentiation wanes on their budget heavily since financial consequences of missing a market are disastrous (Prahalad Hamel 1990). Innovation Commitment to innovation and product variety has brought on the greatest challenge in the companies history, the intricacy and complexity of the functions offered in BMWs premium luxurious cars has burgeoned making manufacturing costs increase. Product development is the most financially taxing for BMW, the cost of developing a new models and model parts is enormous, time consuming and carries major risks. where the ford and general motors GM experience of 1970s and 1980s implies that commonization among manufactures leads to consumer backlash and confusion, BMW is now faced with expensive process of innovating prototypes and going through rigorous expensive and risk prone testing phases (Hollensen 2007). Competition Competition from other vehicle manufacturers dictate company strategies, with 69% of the market controlled by six companies its more difficult for a manufacturer to maintain his buyers without raids from rivals, this has the most direct effect on prices. Slow growth in automobile industry intensifies competition and has affected the BMW strategy leading to the BMW brand acquiring the merger partners (Tata Motors Inc. 2009). Substitute Products Substitute products threat on the auto market relates to products, materials or resources that may cause the demand for a product to shift. BMW targets premium buyers with whom quality matters, however other manufactures targeting this premium car market like, Mercedes, Audi, and the Porsche consequently become a close substitute to BMW. Global Warming With Global Warming a great concern in the modern world, environmental activists, non governmental organizations and governments are pushing for manufacturing companies to go green, BMW The carmaker, whose stable includes its core BMW brand along with the compact Mini and the super luxury Rolls-Royce, which hopes to deliver over 1.8 million vehicles a year by 2012 is faced with stricter regulation to conform, the company warned it is also likely to be confronted in the future by stricter emission standards in many countries. This implies further costs in innovation of more environmentally friendly engines, fuels and investment into alternative sources of energy to drive their cars. Proposed Solutions On globalization BMW can solve this over taxing problem through carefully calculated mergers and acquisitions, this allow the company to gain market share and penetration as well as access to already existing technology, local professionals and local brands. Furthermore, reviewing policies to improve the ratio of profitable to unprofitable customers which tends to run 20:80. Developing a global view of the brand and the buyers portfolio will reveal uncharted regions for expansion. And the use of existing plants in suitable locations to manufacture or assemble vehicles maintaining the quality of the BMW brand will greatly cut operational start up costs. Differentiation BMW has adopted advanced technology used to increase engineering and the quality of the models which are the route to competitive advantage. Mainly the major areas of differentiation are in alternative energies and security features, ensuring the brand maintains uniqueness, the BMWs 2002 (sports sedans) ensured differentiation was achieved, BMW use of advanced electronics make their cars luxurious as well as sporty to drive Innovation and product variety The use of technologically announced Intel Xeon processor 5500 series helps BMW Group to balance hardware, energy and application licensing costs, while also increasing its performance. This allows for new applications to be run, prototypes can be virtually created and tested virtually, Dr. Burkhard Goeschel, member of BMW board explains key areas of innovation incorporated in product development, this key areas include, Connected Drive which allows for an innovative and comprehensive concept networking the car, the driver, and the surrounding world, by-wire technology and iDrive control, all these concepts are available in the new BMW 7 series. Competition BMW has introduced new models, the x5, x3 and z4 with advanced electronics to make them sporty as well as luxurious, BMW has also acquired the Mini Cooper and Rolls Royce car manufacturers and the new models have boosted their competitive edge. Substitute products BMW prioritizes quality and product differentiation such that for its targeted premium market the BMW standards remain top and the car is still prestigious. Environmental challenges To combat this BMW along with other motor companies have tried to use some of the emerging technologies to make money, lower costs and ultimately help in reducing pollution. Toyota, Ford and BMW have incorporated this mentality in manufacturing of three lines of their cars, the new BMW 7series and the greatly awaited z4 are all projected to embrace these environmental friendly features, in future innovation of electric cars and alternative fuel sources are being considered. Major Strategic Alternatives BMW has established a basic supply chain in order to improve its load planning, this aids in determining its allocation strategies to cope with globalization; this supply chain ensures putting up of new manufacturing plants in suitable foreign countries and dedicated assembly lines for every product with few variants and thus increases productivity and reduces costs. With the market full of options for the buyer, the chain allows BMW to establish its brand in emerging anomies before competitors bid for market shares. Mergers and acquisitions of key brands of premium brands of cars have further solidified BMW market dominance. Beginning with the BMW Rover merger, the company has newly acquired MINI, and Rolls Royce cars. Its products cover the full range of size classes and car types but consist exclusively of premium-class cars, this allows the company to venture into new markets use the facilities used by former brands to re model new cars thus reducing operational costs while fostering growth. Unlike former mergers like the vole-Renault deal of the early 1990s which collapsed because the company cultures were incompatible, BMW integration with their new acquisitions have proved profitable, most vehicle manufactures have resulted to creating entirely new vehicle segments, and BMW hit home run with its 2002 sports sedan which generated returns to its innovator by fending its differentiated position, the company has designed and always built cars with exponentially greater responsiveness to a dri vers actions, this has been greatly attributed to the companies product differentiation policies (Teece et al 1996). The BMW engine roaring sound is music to the ears of sports and performance car lovers, outside the box thinking like the BMW sedans and convertibles give BMW a competitive advantage over other manufacturers. New and advanced technology like greatly improved safety features, advanced control features have led to market dominance. BMW cars typically have product life cycle of seven years. and according to Jim McDowell, vice president of marketing at BMW If a product is declining, we would prefer to withdraw it from the market, as opposed to having a strategy for dealing with the declining product this awareness ensures that BMW ventures are only profitable ones, the rover case shows how failing mergers operate and instead of working on it BMW sold it to UK venture capital firm Alchemy Partners (Siciliano Zuvich 2006). To foster growth BMW instead acquired profitable mergers like with luxury cars rolls Royce. This ensures the company always remains relevant to the market and trendy to its buyers With advancing technology and introduction of fiber optic cables in developing economies, the world has become a global village where car enthusiast can order in their premium BMW cars online, check features and ask questions on performance, : BMW Car maker uses web mostly to drive its brand, taking the phrase beyond the banner seriously, online adds like the Marketing Channels Internet 46860 banners, appear on equal rotating basis with each search result, with BMW targeting 26.5% the percentage of viewers between age group (25-34) , this along with E-mail Marketing, Brochure test-drive Registration for Mail alert message, and e-catalogue, enable more availability of information anywhere to prospective buyers, BMW has launched an email marketing campaign for the release of the long awaited Sporty new Z4 Convertible, Z4 BMW (Key General Motors Financial 2007). This guarantees availability to buyers who dont have to attend gallery shows at the dealership. BMW has established Numerous Overseas Subsidiaries in countries like, south Africa, India, china Canada and Egypt, where BMW vehicles are assembled, 2003 saw the signing of a deal the production of sedans in China, this subsidiary firms are well equipped to build cars for export to specific markets like, the south Africa plant builds left hand drives for the Taiwan market, and also right hand drives for sub Saharan Africa, Malaysia and Singapore. This shows a great understanding of the market and understanding of the buyer needs in different regions, Predictions If put in place supply chains will enable the company to greatly take advantage of existing infrastructure in different regions, this will allow for strategic allocation of plants in areas where the BMW brand will not be compromised, this areas will preferably have skilled professional workers, laid out infrastructure which the company will exploit. This aids in reduction of start up costs in new markets. Integration with already existing local brands allow for easy market penetration (Franey 2008). E-commerce is a must have for companies in the modern world and will increased emphasis on e marketing, BMW stands to break into markets far and wide, most upcoming economies have low income citizens without many premium luxurious cars available, the internet brings the BMW experience closer to them, thus when the market is established the concept of luxury cars wont be so alien, this allows for easier market penetration and preparation of a ready market (Juslin Hansen 2003). Product differentiation among premium car market is a key to successes, with the targeted buyer giving more emphasis to quality and uniqueness and elegance as opposed to pricing, BMW seeks to offer intricate designs and features to these new models allowing for elegance that buyers crave. In reaction to the differentiation major competitors like Volkswagen, Porsche, Mercedes, have released new models like the jeep Cherokee luxurious SUV, and the mustang pony cars so as to try and keep up. Establishing of overseas subsidiary in developing markets in the Latin America, and parts of eastern Europe, and Africa BMW will be able to put up assembly plants closer to the buyer, sales are predicted to sore with introduction of this new markets, the subsidiary firm are able to carry out research in respective Regions and integrate the outcome in their strategic plans to give the buyers exactly what they desire, this bolsters sales, Strategy outcome Prediction When implementing E- Marketing as a basis for extending growth and penetration to market regions, various risks are involved especially when the internet is being used to launch details of new vehicle series being manufactured, BMW had a case in 2004 when there were cases of website incursions, theft of vehicles and a constant threat of arson even in its UK head offices in Bracknel (Hambrick Fredrickson 2001). In addressing all these, the company specified a self-sufficient security solution that was cost effective and that required minimal human supervision and intervention. Reliance securities implemented a state of the art security solution including CCTV surveillance with intelligent detector activation, to avoid future incursions. Mergers and acquisitions are effective in breaking into new markets through acquiring and integrating an already existing brands, great risks are involved in such takeovers, having seen the BMW-Rover merger record massive losses, in light of this failure BMW has learnt to plan its mergers with companies whose cultures are compatible, this has seen successful mergers with luxurious car manufactures rolls Royce and the mini (Pearce Robinson 2009). Production of entirely new brands is the most expensive aspect of car manufacturing with average of 2 models released in a decade, across the wide range of car manufactures, though this allows for product differentiation and preferences to the buyer, great risks are involved, since the sports sedan in 2002, only the 2seater roadster and coupe have been sold since 2002 (Marshall Stuart 2008). The company has however heavily invested in technology when intricate applications are put in place to virtually make desired prototypes, and virtually test the models this greatly reduces costs of manufacturing a car and having it fail.  Many countries have enacted stricter environmental restrictions on pollution and emissions, BMW, has greatly put in place measures to manufacture more fuel efficient cars, this comes with elevated costs and consequently the cost is projected down to the buyers, more fuel efficient engines are expensive, electric cars which are regarded as the future are even more costly even to premium market target manufacturers, The 2011 BMW Active Hybrid 7 and the vision Efficient Dynamic Concept car which was unveiled during the September 2009 Frankfurt Auto Show are projected to offer fuel economy of 62.6 mpg. BMW also has a recycling policy where they use the shredded parts of the cars in their yard, this reduces pollution, and the foundation for the environmental friendly recycling of vehicles is laid during the production of each vehicle (Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 2008).  Supply chains overall levels of integration ensuring a reduction to fixed costs of assets and labor, they also serve to reduce the number competitors supplying into the same market, for instance India is a viable market but has competitors such as, Audi, Daimler Chrysler, Tata, Mahindra an Hyundai looking to invest in that market by putting up assembly units, the supply will ensure such a flooded market is avoided or a more appropriate means of entry is effected (Thompson Strickland 1996). Globalization leads to governments of up coming economies take advantage of their growth potential and thus bid off their markets to the highest bidders amongst the major vehicle manufactures. But there is growing unwillingness within the supply community to invest in plants that might not reach potential in over a decade, this leads to investors pulling out instead of bidding away, this markets form good grounds for take over and acquisitions of already in place plants (Kiley 2004).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Essay
Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Introduction       Sustainability in all operations of a business is a contemporary issue that ensures firms gain competitive advantage. Supply chain management is a discipline dealing with the reorganization of a firm’s extra-supply activities to achieve a competitive edge in the market and take advantage of customer value. It is also concerned with the suppliers attempt to establish and effect supply chains which are both efficient and economical for them. An organization’s supply chain is a multidimensional activity covering most aspects ranging from manufacturing, to goods and services development, and the information systems.The drivers of a sustainable supply chain management can be either internal or external. Internal sustainability drivers include internal business processes while the external are legislation, environmental drivers, customers, and social drivers (Hanuv 35).       Legal requirements compliance is a fundamental drive in achieving a sustainable supply chain management. It is the starting point because failure to comply to regulations implies that the business is illegal (Cohen 80). Regulatory issues include general environmental laws that may give direction to products disposal and recycling. Compliance to the law enhances the supply chain and hence making it sustainable.       Financial drivers are also vital for a sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable supply chain management leads to efficiency and effectiveness in business operations that result to good financial performance. This is brought by reversed logistics that result to cost minimization and saving.       Sustainability is also driven by internal business processes such as offering warrants, product leases, and replacements. These activities enhance effectiveness in production to minimize replacements and hence in the long run a business attains a sustainable supply chain.       Customers are the most important stakeholders to any business and they greatly drive firms into adopting sustainable supply chain management (Hugos 56). The clients have large number of substitute goods at their disposal, which gives them the driving force to impact the operations a firm. As firms work to accumulate customer’s pressure such as buying from companies with green image, they end up attaining sustainable supply chain management. References Cohen, Shoshanah. â€Å"Contemporary Supply Chain Management.†Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Five Disciplines for Top Performance:2nd Revised Edition. New York: Mcgraw-hill Professional, 2013. 80-132. Print. Hanuv, Mann. Drivers of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The IUP Journal of Operations Management. Vol. IX. No. 4(2010): 1-58 Hugos, Michael H. â€Å"Sustainability in Supply Chain Management.†Essentials of Supply Chain Management. 3rd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2011. 56-124. Print. Source document
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Educated, Unemployed and Frustrated
In today's society it is clearly obvious that times are rough. People are struggling and trying to find a secure career seems to be almost impossible. Millions and millions of people graduate college in the hope that finding the job of their dreams will come so easily. Sadly that is not the case and our newly educated individuals are unemployed. Most having to accept minimum wages positions just to keep up with today's fast paced world. After working so hard for years to make something of yourself, not to mention the debt you are left to pay after. It certainly takes a hefty toll on you emotionally and physically over time.Is there anything we can do to fix this crisis and get back on our feet? In the article Klein states â€Å"My generation was taught that all we needed to succeed was an education and hard work. †Which is absolutely true but it’s not our fault that job are not available. There isn’t anything we can do to change the economic slump. We can place blame and point fingers but it will never get us anywhere. I agree that action needs to be taken but how? Things would change if we could stand up for ourselves, like Portugal, protesting to send a message for change. When are we going to follow their footsteps?People need more of a push to actually want to get out and get a job. Taxes need to be lowered so that businesses can grow, which in turn will create more jobs and result in lower unemployment rates. We all know it’s easier said than done. In the state we are in with high taxes which has lead us to company downsizing and we all know where that leaves us. I am also very well aware that taking money away from the government also means taking away from our economy but there has to be some kind of happy medium. No one should be ashamed to take on positions that pay less than expected, we do what we need to do to get by.Maybe we should be patient and just not expect to get placed in an amazing job right out of school. We sh ould never lose hope in our future and look forward to what’s going to happen tomorrow. It can be really hard to get by these days but we need to look at the brighter side of things and be thankful you have your education, a job that at least pays that bills and your health. Do not get discouraged, you would only be holding back yourself. Never give up trying to accomplish your goals and do not let anything stand in your way of success. In the meantime continue to further your education and keep yourself distracted.Today it seems having to struggle from time to time is common. It’s sad to say that I do not see any change in the near future. We have limited choices and not only one person can make a difference. The only way to see if we can send a message to our government is to take a nationwide protest. Like Portugal, we can take a stand to become a better nation. The government needs to pay a lot more attention to the prevention of the increase in unemployment. Effec ts of unemployment may be devastating. Unemployment also leads to the more stress because there are no means for living.This could also lead to a larger crime rate. Being in such a helpless position, desperate people will start lashing out and stooping down to doing anything they need to just for a decent meal for the night. Stealing to make a living, starting riots and large rebellions to change the existing social order. When you have nothing and your think you have no means for living and are doomed to starvation. Then what else would any of us have to lose? Even though the concluding result is the most extreme and the rarest one but it is the end of this growing unemployment and lack of the government to stop it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The American Dream - 1560 Words
The American Dream has been a prominent idea in American society for a very long time. It says that anyone, from any class, religion, race or background can achieve a good job, a home, car and family through only their hard work. As time has passed, the American Dream fades further and further from reality and the large gap between people of all kinds is becoming commonly known. In 2011 the first large scale movement, Occupy Wall Street, that showed that Americans were conscious of the economic inequalities in the country and the world. People protested the â€Å"1%†, the top group of wealth owners in the country, and aimed for equality. The media even started to show the inequality between the 1 percent-ers and the rest of the population. The gap between the mega-rich and the rest clearly exists, but people rarely talk about the gap between gender, races, and all the inequalities at all levels of wealth. It is important to understand that a wealth gap does exist between the r ich and everyone else but also to see that inequality is prevalent at all levels of wealth or understand why these disparities occur. Throughout history, wealth in the very richest of their societies has been spread differently and different levels of shares for all of society. While there will always be those few individuals who have billions of dollars, there is large scale growth in America of a small group who holds a large percentage the total income in the country. In 1920s America saw a rise in theShow MoreRelatedImmigrants And The American Dream1362 Words  | 6 PagesImmigrants and the American Dream In the article â€Å"The American Dream†, by James Truslow Adams in The Sundance Reader book, he stated that the American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. 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