Saturday, March 7, 2020

Promotion Distribution Strategies

Promotion Distribution Strategies One of the most recent concerns of the modern global market, stealth ads play quite a big role in the world of marketing. Making people pay their attention to the specific products or companies, they enhance the selling rates in the given enterprise and thus create a specific trend. Because of their camouflage and the subtle influence, they produce the effect which is far stronger than any powerful ad can create.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Promotion Distribution Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no doubt that stealth ads are times more efficient than the usual ways of advertisement. One of the explanations is that a song is something that one can listen to for a number of times, which can be compared to hypnosis. In spite of the fact that the impact of such hypnosis is less tragic and traumatic than that of the traditional one, the ethical aspect of such means of advertising is seriously doub ted. According to the official data, the use of stealth ads has increased the sales volume almost fourteen times (Blair). On the one hand, such practice looks most innocent and suggests a breakthrough in the scale of the global market, which is, no doubts, very aspiring. Yet on the other hand is the controversal nature of such ads and the way they influence people’s actions. According to Blair, the key idea of the stealth ads success is the fact that â€Å"they do not look like ads†. In terms of protection of consumers, this looks quite like the violation of consumers’ rights and even foisting certain goods on people. With the disguise of a free-willed choice, this new invention of marketing can bring colossal benefit to millions of entrepreneurs, which will probably make the stealth ads one of the most popular means to advertise goods in the nearest future. However, to be fair, it would be necessary to mention some advantages of the new invention. One of the mo st obvious pluses is that customers will be able to find out bout the novelties of the market just listening to music or watching a movie. Nevertheless, the aesthetic pleasure of such pastime could become questionable; it is only now that the fans of the singers have to be â€Å"sharp-eared† enough to be able to read between the lines of the favourite songs (Smith). And, in addition, relying on such tricky psychological issues can be rather risky (Blair).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another idea which can give a lot of food for thoughts is the chain management which is becoming increasingly widespread. Worked out in practice, this system has proved to be quite worthwhile. With help of this system, entrepreneurs will be able to satisfy the demand on the company products in a better way, reducing the costs spent on logistics and custom. Because of its high dynamics and unceasing circulation of information, products and money supply between various stages, chain management proves efficient in the modern world of global marketing and the float of data. A good example of chain management is Microsoft Corporation. Being the company whose product is spread literally all over the world, Microsoft Corporation uses the system of the chain management to provide the product supply anywhere in the world. Combined with well-developed system of relationship management, it provides splendid results: millions of people choose exactly Microsoft Corporation when selecting the right software shell for their computers. Despite the fact that Microsoft has worthy competitors, it still holds the unquestionable leadership in the sphere of computers and everything that goes with them. Thus, it is obvious that well-calculated chain management system combined with relationship management is bound to bring fruitful results. Although this approach has not been time-tested yet, it shows good potential. According to the world market prognoses, such scheme is going to be applied to every single enterprise soon. Blair, Elizabeth. Stealth Ads: They’re Effective – and Priced to Move. NPR, 5 May 2005. Web. Smith, Ethan, and Julie Jargon. Chew on This: Hit Song Is a Gum Jingle. The  Wall Street Journal. n.d. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Promotion Distribution Strategies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

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