Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Psychological Research On Mental Health - 1923 Words

Psychological research has had a fundamental impact on mental health in the UK, for instance, it has ignited new treatments and made the practices of organisations like the NHS more efficient. However, some may critique the impact research has actually had, for example, the change that has actually occurred because of research. Looking at the impact of research is vital because surely one of the main aims of research is to positively benefit patient’s lives. It means changes in the practices of health organisations are well-informed resulting in effective changes, improving efficiency of health organisations. There has been much research carried out into the stigma of mental health disorders, biological causes e.g. role of dopamine in schizophrenia and new therapies that have emerged- which will all be assessed. Stigma surrounds mental illness even in contemporary society. Research has aimed to reduce this. World Health Organisation (WHO; 2012) have stated that such stigma is a â€Å"hidden human rights emergency†. Barrier studies show that stigma is the fourth highest barrier to seeking help (Clement et al, 2014) proving why it is fundamental to research stigma. A positive impact of research is that it has led to changes in legislation. The Equality Act 2010 has made it illegal to discriminate against those with mental health disorders in education, the workplace, transport and public services. Research has signposted the rights of those with mental disorders, giving themShow MoreRelatedAustralian Bureau Of Statistics Survey Data From The Surveys1030 Words   |  5 Pages‘Interpreting scores on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Vol 25(6), 494-7.3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2011) The health of Australia’s prisoners 2010, Cat. No. PHE 149, Canberra.4. Beck, A.T. Steer, R.A. (1987) Beck Hopelessness Scale Manual. The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio.5. Beck, A. T. Steer, R. A. (1990) Beck Anxiety Inventory Manual, San Antonio: Psychological Corporation.6. Beck, A.T., Steer,Read MoreThe Biopsychosocial Model and Research in Mental H ealth1018 Words   |  5 Pagesgenerally accepted within healthcare that to understand mental health we must adopt the biopsychosocial model. This model assumes that an interdependent relationship exists between biological, psychological and social factors which are involved in all aspects of mental health (Toates, 2010, p. 14). To be true to the model research must be holistic and not investigate the factors in isolation. Key terms will be defined and a review of the research in the literature will be performed to assess the extentRead MoreAddressing Distress in Teens Essay1210 Words   |  5 Pages the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the Healthy People 2020 yearlong goals and objectives. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Review on Cat in the Rain - 882 Words

Review on Cat in The Rain of Ernest Hemingway A couple of Americans traveled in Italy. At the hotel, on a raining day, the wife found a cat crouched in the rain and wanted to take the cat and possess it. She went out and searched the cat in the rain, to find it had gone. Coming back, she told her husband her wish to change her hair style and was turned down by her husband. After her several other wishes were also turned down, a waitress of the hotel knocked the door, at the demand of the hotel owner, and sent her a cat. These are the main plots of Hemingway’s novel, Cat in The Rain. Main characters in the story are the American wife and her husband. Hemingway’s purpose of writing this novel is to illustrate the relationship between the†¦show more content†¦She is sent a big tortoise-shell cat. It doesn’t matter whether this cat is the cat in the rain several minutes ago. It’s just a symbol of change for the woman. It’s not enough for the wo man. It’s just a beginning. What she wants is not just a cat. She wants to change. Anyhow, it’s a good sign, too. Alsoï ¼Å'the using of words shows some attitudes, too. The different titles of the cat, like the kitty; and that of the woman, like the girl. These different addresses show the childish characteristics of the woman. This feature shows that her inferior statue comparing with her husband. All in all, the main problem of the story is their relationship: the husband controls all affairs, while the wife’s failure of trying to make a change. However, there is still a sign of change at the end of the story, which shows the author’s hope forShow MoreRelatedCat in the Rain - Woman the Inequality3717 Words   |  15 Pagessociety in the work â€Å"Cat in the rain†? (3) What in the work â€Å"Cat in the rain† can show the reader the inequality of rights of women? â€Æ' II. BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH A. METHOD OF STUDY In this research paper, the main method of study used is library research with the textbook of this subject, the sources from the internet include comments, essays, analyze and the quotations. B. LITERATURE REVIEW Darren Felty mentioned in â€Å"Spatial Confinement in Hemingway’s ‘Cat in the Rain’ † (1997; page 363-369)Read MoreStructuralism and Interpretation Ernest Hemingways Cat in Ther Ain9284 Words   |  38 PagesPorter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics Analysis and Interpretation of the Realist Text: A Pluralistic Approach to Ernest Hemingways Cat in the Rain Author(s): David Lodge Source: Poetics Today, Vol. 1, No. 4, Narratology II: The Fictional Text and the Reader (Summer, 1980), pp. 5-22 Published by: Duke University Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 14/03/2011 05:14 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTORs Terms and Conditions of Use,Read MoreResearch Paper on Thailand1619 Words   |  7 Pagesserve as help and good blessing for growing crops. Rain-making and Cat Procession are the common ceremonial rituals performed by the rice farmers of Thailand. The rain making ceremony takes place in Bangkok. In the ceremony the lord of the Royal Plowing Ceremony throws rice seeds as he walks around the Grand Palace and the Crown Prince of Thailand watches. Cat Procession involves villagers throwing water at a cat. They believe that a â€Å"crying† cat brings a fertile rice crop. (Perehudoff) Rice farmingRead MoreMarketing Strategy of Cats Eye4285 Words   |  18 Pagesindustry is Cats Eye. One name that can be easily related to the Bangladeshi men’s fashion industry is Cats Eye. The pioneer of Bangladeshi men’s fashion industry began their journey in 1980. Since then we have seen the emergence of several other fashion houses in this industry but Cats Eye continues to be the trendsetters of men’s fashion in Bangladesh. The growing influence of globalization has assured this highly populated country to be a big market for men’s fashion wear. Cats Eye is the pioneerRead MoreHistory and Production of Coffee and its Presence in the United States1283 Words   |  6 Pagescherries are laid on a flat, dry surface and let dry until their moisture reaches 12%, which usually takes about 18 to 20 days. The surface must be plain—not soil, or anything of that sort. It must also be either indoors or securely covered, since rain can be a huge setback when drying. If the coffee is too dry or too wet, or let dry on soil, the taste and thus quality of the coffee is greatly affected. 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The guard is installed, without tool needed, on sliding windows, in order to keep rain out of the building while let airflow in. It effectively protects interiors and reduces indoor air pollution. Base on the analysis the marketing environment and consumer behaviours, segmentation, targeting, positioning are designed, as well as productRead MoreA Review of Psycho Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesA Review of Psycho He was known to his audience as the ‘Master of Suspense’ and what Hitchcock mastered was not only the art of making films but also the task of taming his own mad imagination Hitchcock told his stories through intelligent plots, witty dialogue and a spoonful of mystery and murder. In doing so, he inspired a new generation of filmmakers and revolutionized the thriller genre, making him a worldwide legend. His brilliance was sometimes too bright: He wasRead MoreAnalysis : Dance A Long1669 Words   |  7 Pagesmotor skills. The motor coordination of gross motor skills is impaired due to neurological functioning and sensory processing within the brain. The repetition and instruction during the movement of dance can be used to improve gross motor movements (Rain, 2014). †¢ Social: Individuals with autism often lack social skills. This intervention can help improve social interaction between clients and therapists in the group setting. †¢ Cognitive: Individuals with autism also experience cognitive deficiencies

Monday, December 9, 2019

Cultural Differences of Brazilian and American Practices free essay sample

Cultural Differences of Brazilian and American Business Practices If one were to take a business trip to a foreign county such as Brazil, there are many cultural differences that the traveler should be aware of before arriving. By being aware of the cultural differences of the audience, the speaker can save themselves the embarrassment of having to apologize for a lack of knowledge about the way of life in this new country. There are a few key points that should be made aware of in regards to meetings, public speaking, formal introductions, and other every day aspects of business one will encounter. Foremost, Brazilians like to deal with people more than they do companies or businesses. It may seem strange to Americans, but as do many other South American countries, Brazilians enjoy spending a good amount of time getting to know people before the topic of business is ever even brought up. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Differences of Brazilian and American Practices or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Trust and dependability is a very important and cherished trait in Brazil, and the locals want to know they can trust who they are dealing with before taking things further. This difference will have to be understood and accepted before things can progress into anything else. Brazilians find it rude and cold the way Americans rush right into business conversations pushing issues and requests. Another cultural difference between Brazil and the US is the concept of time, and time management. In Brazil, it is actually acceptable for meetings to start late, and run over the allotted time planned. Along these lines, a typical lunch meeting that would last an hour in the US, can last 3-4 hours in Brazil. Travelers will need to be aware of this and plan for their schedules to be very spaced out. The idea of cramming 10 hours of work into an 8 hour day will not be met with a very good reception. Finally, another major difference between the American culture and Brazilian culture is the outlook on ‘work’ and jobs. In America, people are defined by their jobs or careers. They spend years of schooling and thousands of dollars to get their ‘dream job. ’ It’s not uncommon for Americans to work 10-12 hours per day. However, this is the complete opposite in regards to the way of life in Brazil. Brazilians work to live. They put family and happiness first in their lives, and most only work to bring in enough money to furnish the basic needs of life for their families. It is uncommon for Brazilians to spend years pursuing a single job. This difference may strike the American as Brazilians being lazy, which is not the case. It’s only the way of life. Brazilians seek happiness above all else.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

SPEECH PAPER ON WEDDINGS Essay Example For Students

SPEECH PAPER ON WEDDINGS Essay Flowers, diamond rings, and vowels: all these things are vital when it comes to the traditional American wedding. Because they all symbolize the emotion of love, which American marriages are based on. However in China where love is not the basis of marriage such symbolizations don’t exist and this can be seen in a traditional Chinese wedding. The differences between Chinese and American weddings are very great. For example, in America we are free to date and choose whom we want to marry based on our standings. But in China there is no dating, marriages are arranged by matchmakers in which paid to match a bride with a groom. It is after the match has been made that the two (male and female) become officially betrothed (). Betrothed means to engage in marriage. An article on the Chinese Wedding website said pregnant mothers would often make promises that when their babies were born, if they were both boys or girls, they would become brothers or sisters but if one was a boy and the other a girl, they would get married. According to the book Strange Customs Courtship and Marriage there are two different type of betrothal. The first type, which is mentioned above, involves the arranging of marriage at infancy or before birth, among boys and girls of the same age. The second practice is to betroth female infants to grown men wh o may be old enough to be their father, or even their grand father () . Unlike China where age obviously is not a factor, in America such practice would be considered a crime. We will write a custom essay on SPEECH PAPER ON WEDDINGS specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Chinese and American weddings also different in the number of ceremonies they hold. For instance, in America there is one wedding ceremony and a banquet but in China as part of the betrothal there are five ceremonies. The first ceremony includes the exchanging of information about the birth of both children (son and daughter) between families. An astrologer is now consulted to see if compatibility exists between the two and if so the second ceremony begins. The second ceremony is the formal offer of marriage. Through written letters delivered by the matchmaker, from the groom’s father to the bride’s family, marriage is proposed. In the third ceremony the father of the bride replies by giving the matchmaker a letter of expectance (). Unlike Chinese customs, in America males usually askthe females parents for their hand in marriage. Bibliography: