Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Psychological Research On Mental Health - 1923 Words

Psychological research has had a fundamental impact on mental health in the UK, for instance, it has ignited new treatments and made the practices of organisations like the NHS more efficient. However, some may critique the impact research has actually had, for example, the change that has actually occurred because of research. Looking at the impact of research is vital because surely one of the main aims of research is to positively benefit patient’s lives. It means changes in the practices of health organisations are well-informed resulting in effective changes, improving efficiency of health organisations. There has been much research carried out into the stigma of mental health disorders, biological causes e.g. role of dopamine in schizophrenia and new therapies that have emerged- which will all be assessed. Stigma surrounds mental illness even in contemporary society. Research has aimed to reduce this. World Health Organisation (WHO; 2012) have stated that such stigma is a â€Å"hidden human rights emergency†. Barrier studies show that stigma is the fourth highest barrier to seeking help (Clement et al, 2014) proving why it is fundamental to research stigma. A positive impact of research is that it has led to changes in legislation. The Equality Act 2010 has made it illegal to discriminate against those with mental health disorders in education, the workplace, transport and public services. Research has signposted the rights of those with mental disorders, giving themShow MoreRelatedAustralian Bureau Of Statistics Survey Data From The Surveys1030 Words   |  5 Pages‘Interpreting scores on the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10)’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Vol 25(6), 494-7.3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2011) The health of Australia’s prisoners 2010, Cat. No. PHE 149, Canberra.4. Beck, A.T. Steer, R.A. 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