Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Review on Cat in the Rain - 882 Words

Review on Cat in The Rain of Ernest Hemingway A couple of Americans traveled in Italy. At the hotel, on a raining day, the wife found a cat crouched in the rain and wanted to take the cat and possess it. She went out and searched the cat in the rain, to find it had gone. Coming back, she told her husband her wish to change her hair style and was turned down by her husband. After her several other wishes were also turned down, a waitress of the hotel knocked the door, at the demand of the hotel owner, and sent her a cat. These are the main plots of Hemingway’s novel, Cat in The Rain. Main characters in the story are the American wife and her husband. Hemingway’s purpose of writing this novel is to illustrate the relationship between the†¦show more content†¦She is sent a big tortoise-shell cat. It doesn’t matter whether this cat is the cat in the rain several minutes ago. It’s just a symbol of change for the woman. It’s not enough for the wo man. It’s just a beginning. What she wants is not just a cat. She wants to change. Anyhow, it’s a good sign, too. Alsoï ¼Å'the using of words shows some attitudes, too. The different titles of the cat, like the kitty; and that of the woman, like the girl. These different addresses show the childish characteristics of the woman. This feature shows that her inferior statue comparing with her husband. All in all, the main problem of the story is their relationship: the husband controls all affairs, while the wife’s failure of trying to make a change. However, there is still a sign of change at the end of the story, which shows the author’s hope forShow MoreRelatedCat in the Rain - Woman the Inequality3717 Words   |  15 Pagessociety in the work â€Å"Cat in the rain†? (3) What in the work â€Å"Cat in the rain† can show the reader the inequality of rights of women? â€Æ' II. BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH A. 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